Hero’s Journey

Hero’s Journey

Anima and Animus – Eternal Partners from the Unconscious   “There are two energies inside you: Architect (he) and Mystic (she). He needs to plan; he needs how and why of everything. She just watches things unfold; the universe shows her its most mysterious...
Who You Are

Who You Are

The masculine and the feminine are two aspects of who you are. If you are too identified with one part, you will be half a life....
Fertile Grounds

Fertile Grounds

From her thighs, she gives you lifeAnd how you treat she who gives you lifeShows how much you value the life given to you by the Creator.Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy...
On Fire

On Fire

‘Remind me that the most fertile lands were built by the fires of volcanoes.’ Andrea...
Play The Body

Play The Body

The body is an instrument for the spirit – Rumi “For the first time, I saw the human body as a musical instrument; it was designed to experience things in the moment of occurrence, to vibrate with the resonance of each experience, whether positive or negative,...