by Kinga Zak | Jan 9, 2024 | COSTUMES, NEWS, VIDEO
Let your Self go and unleash your soul. Note how the figure in the image is adorned with symbols of the natural world – sticks and twigs used in the headpiece, and stripes and fur to evoke the image of lions and tigers. Furthermore the bench itself is decorated...
by Kinga Zak | Jan 9, 2024 | COSTUMES, NEWS, VIDEO
Woman is sacred.
by Kinga Zak | Jan 9, 2024 | COSTUMES, NEWS, VIDEO
Individual breaking free from the constraints of society, similar to how our protagonist. The use of interpretive movement and urban setting provides a sense of transformation and empowerment, as well as demonstrating the effective use of dance and music.
by Kinga Zak | Jan 9, 2024 | COSTUMES, NEWS, PHOTOGRAPHY
Creativity is not a talent, it’s a way of operating.It’s an ability to play. To play is to experiment . What would happen if I do this? The very essence of playfulness is the openness to what happens, the feeling that whatever happens is ok. John...
by Kinga Zak | Sep 24, 2023 | COSTUMES, NEWS, PHOTOGRAPHY, POETRY
Do we all see the same world or is it a different world that we see? I see, you see, how can we agree on what we see is reality for us to be in. To live and breathe.. THE REALity is what we see or what we create to be? My reality, your reality – how can it be?...
by Kinga Zak | Sep 24, 2023 | COSTUMES, NEWS, PHOTOGRAPHY, POETRY
Me’n’YouAre you ready toARGUE?You’n’ MeAre you ready to beFREE?In a Cute Place To ArgueLovers Under CoverBE FREEFree, Free, FreeI am ready to ...
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