

“The world is round so that friendship may encircle it.”  Pierre Teilhard de Chardin Photo: Radha S. Menon Models: Miriam Edghill, Kinga Zak concept: Kinga  ...
She Thinks She Is Cute

She Thinks She Is Cute

Hell is Frozen Hell is Frozen #luckyshescute #shethinkshecute #hell #frozenfromhell #frozenhell #hellisfrozen Some of us need to learn to say “No I can’t” and ” No, thank you” more often in this world, otherwise it will eat you...
Good Work!

Good Work!

I will start saying “good work noticing”, when someone tries to complement me on my artwork, by saying “good work”! No offence to anyone in particular, but your opinion mostly tells me about you, not about me or my artwork. You hate it!...
Ice Queen

Ice Queen

“I’m so hot for her, I’m so hot for herI’m so hot for her and she’s so coldI’m so hot for her, I’m on fire for herI’m so hot for her and she’s so cold” — The Rolling Stones”She’s So Cold”...