Fool For Love

Fool For Love

FOOL FOR LOVE don’t be a scholar be a fool for love instead if you’re the moon in the sky, fall down become the dirt on the road be together with young and old good and bad if you start out as a pawn you’ll become the king later on Jalaluddin...


Don’t be a critic, the world is full of critics sharing their opinions from the coach. Critics hate artists, because of unconscious jealousy, that the artist can create. Creative energy is very primal and we all have it, but it gets blocked especially in north...


Don’t Fuck Me, Unless You’re Brave. LoveMedusa Fuck – verb meaning 1.have sex with (someone). 2.ruin or damage (something or someone !?!) Why is this? Sex is meant for creation fun, excitement etc (pro- creation) so why ruin or damage and why is that...