Aurrora Mirrora

Aurrora Mirrora

Foto: Niemiec Fotografia Object: Aurorra Mirrora is a not very rare specimen of the exalted middle aged ladies. She lives in her own artificial world and thinks she’s happy, but she’s ever seen herself in the mirror. If it was as she says, she...
Are You Afraid Of Death?

Are You Afraid Of Death?

I think people are only afraid of death, because they are like the fruit from the grocery store. It always dies before it ripens. #ripenbeforedeath #livebeforedying #deathisnotscarynotlivingis If the central religious figure was the woman giving birth and not a man...


Physical beauty is nothing. It won’t stay. You don’t know how lucky you are if you are not good looking and someone likes you it is because of something else, hopefully not your money.
Humans Of Hamilton

Humans Of Hamilton

I don’t believe in special talents, certificates, specialists or other schemes. I believe in connection to life, intuition and alignment. If something is calling you, you better go and do it – you will find the way or the way will find you.


You must be joking right. Just joking, just joking. Sometimes joke is a safe way to share the truth. Only the truth allows the relationship to move. Without the truth the relationship becomes sticky,stinky, stagnant prison for the soul. I don’t want any promises...
He Cries

He Cries

He cries. He cries? She asked in disbelief. I’ve never seen him crying. What a discovery, a fellow man is a human being. God is hiding in his tears. He cries when his heart is full, he cries when his heart is empty. To look into your teary eyes, to feel you and...