I’m sorry
I am sorry,I broke my own heart,Creating same old story,The fear has won,The love died,I had a friend,What's left is pride.
He Cries
He cries. He cries? She asked in disbelief. I've never seen him crying. What a discovery, a fellow man is a human being. God is hiding in his tears. He cries when his heart is full, he cries when his heart is empty. To look into your teary eyes, to feel you and to...
Praying Mantis
Praying Mantis
Praying For You, Mantis
Chillin Inside A Tree
Would You Chill With Me ?
Hero’s Journey
Anima and Animus - Eternal Partners from the Unconscious “There are two energies inside you: Architect (he) and Mystic (she). He needs to plan; he needs how and why of everything. She just watches things unfold; the universe shows her its most mysterious and...
High Class
You Told Me You Was High Classed
“The world is round so that friendship may encircle it.” Pierre Teilhard de Chardin Photo: Radha S. Menon Models: Miriam Edghill, Kinga Zak concept: Kinga
Phoenix – Dancing With The Flames
She danced the dance of flames and fire,and the dance of swords and spears;she danced the dance of stars and the dance of space,and then she danced the dance of flowers in the wind. Khalil Gibran The phoenix is an immortal bird associated with Greek mythology that...