Woman In Bloom
Be Like Butter And Fly
Mother’s Nature Is To Nurture
Mother's Nature Is To Nurture #nurturemothernature #mothersnurture #motherlove #mothernature #nurtureandnature #nurtureisnature
The Snake Inside You
“Let the snake inside you (life energy or Kundalini) dance to the tune of the universe.”― Shunya
Women Are Doors
My baby is 10 years old!The other day he told me:- You are a door, pretty random I thought,I said: Great, like a door to heaven?he answered: More like a door to hell young and so wise, women are doors.We make each other laugh.
Inner Critic
This is whats left of the representation of my "inner critic" ... poor thing got chewed up. - Karma is a bitch. Time for the funeral. The Funeral is time to celebrate! #innercritic #karmaisabitch #poorthing
True Love Kiss
You May Now Kiss The Princess
Doormat Is In Front Of The Door
Picasso's opinions about women don't count. That's his truth cause he chose to treat most women as doormats ... except for the goddesses - muses he temporarily put on the pedestal for as long as he wanted something from them like inspiration or sex ... WOMAN is...
Good Advice
I am always here to help with a good advice ... only $99 for an hour long, value packed, life coaching session with me, of course. This price won't last! I promise. Follow me for some great life hacks.