I've gone crazy and I am never coming back.
I Can’t Breathe Without You
I went to the yoga class today and this song was playing. "How do I breathe without you?" Oh please, I suggest you go get an oxygen concentrator. I've been breathing since I was born and I have not met a lot of people assisting with my breathing, maybe except yoga...
We Are All Mothers Of God.
How would your parenting change if you knew, that you were the mother of God?
Life Story Or Love Story?
I don't want a life story or even love story ... I want to live love. Sometimes we need to drop the stories and just do the living.
Earth Day
Earth Day is every day if we accept that we are part of the Earth.
If You Had a Day To Do Whatever You Wished, What Would You Do ?
You do have that day, every day. It's called YOUR LIFE. It got more fun for me when I noticed that and stopped being delusional about my wishes - happiness is simple.
The Whole World Is Imagined
"One of the nice things about problems is that a good many of them do not exist except in our imaginations." Steve Allen I am grateful to have an amazing imagination and I have practiced imagining problems for a long time so I am very experienced and I love...
You Can Have It All
We really can have it all, all that we need to he happy. It's very simple to have it all, if we don't get distracted by bullshit - it's really easy to have it all.
Shortcut to Happiness
So if you know me, you know I love things to be easy and I love shortcuts. I never took a shortcut that was an actual SHORT CUT... It's so funny what would I do to make things easier than they appear to be - to me in the moment anyway. It makes me laugh...