
Farting Goddess

Farting Goddess

Sometimes when you're hurt, nobody sees your painSometimes when you are sad, nobody sees your sorrowSometimes when you cry, nobody sees your tearsBut fart just once ...

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Human Clothes

Human Clothes

I have seen many humans on whom there were no clothes and I have seen many clothes in which there were no humans. Rumi

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Once You Flown

Once You Flown

Once you flown, you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been and there you long to return - Leonardo Da Vinci

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Good things happen, when you are naked and you are always naked when you feel and allow all your emotions. Scott Kiloby

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Dream Big

Dream Big

DREAM BIG No one can live it for you in WONDERLAND We are all holding hands Baby, we are THE MIRACLE  

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Creativity is not a talent, it's a way of operating.It's an ability to play. To play is to experiment . What would happen if I do this? The very essence of playfulness is the openness to what happens, the feeling that whatever happens is ok. John Cleese

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Do we all see the same world or is it a different world that we see? I see, you see,  how can we agree on what we see is reality for us to be in. To live and breathe.. THE REALity is what we see or what we create to be? My...

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The Alien Within

The Alien Within

Me'n'YouAre you ready toARGUE?You'n' MeAre you ready to beFREE?In a Cute Place To ArgueLovers Under CoverBE FREEFree, Free, FreeI am ready to                                                                                                                               ...

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